My photo
Southern California, California, United States
Creative Director of ‘The Pebbling Process’, Poet, Writer, Speaker & Consultant So many wonderful stories lay undisturbed, waiting, in the pebbles along the paths our lives have taken ...

come sit a bit

come sit a bit and read this ink
and in this cloud please write
from your living eyes and pen
what you find here ignites

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I missed her the moment she was gone

In the silence
My heart breathes
Beating between
Memories set
Adrift alone
Life falls eyes closed

I missed her
The moment
She was gone

Rush through my heart
My blood is warm
Echoes only
A voice now stilled
Stepping round her
Love gently paused

I missed her
The moment
She was gone

Adrift alone
Beating between
Memories set
In the silence
My heart breathes
Life falls eyes closed

I missed her
The moment
She was gone

A voice now stilled
Stepping round her
My blood is warm
Rush through my heart
Echoes only
Love gently paused

I missed her
The moment
She was gone

A voice adrift
Memories breathe
Silence runs warm
Stepping between
Rushing echoes
Life falls eyes closed

I missed her
The moment
She was gone

Silence beating
Round in my heart
Breathing alone
Memories of
A breath now stilled
Love gently paused

I missed her
The moment
She was gone

12.11.12 by M Jane Jones
Inspired by Erin Rakich-Clubb’s facebook post about her Grandmother’s death – Naomi Cochran

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the hawk's gift

the hawks
here glide
on the wind,
wings outstretched,
spread wide,
belly bared,
sharing their talent,
their brilliance,
their gift

I grab my camera
they are gone,
dropped down
below the hill
to my left,
essence of the hawk's brilliance is left ...
I wait for them
to mount again
upon the breeze,
but they are gone

they do not consent
to their capture,
even if only in digital form,
in this metal box a camera,
they have been warned,
a voice an intuition,
speaks to them,
all that is left is the wind
and it laughs at me

you foolish girl
still foolish
after all these years,
it laughs at me,
chides me,
warns me
to accept gifts that are
but for a moment,
not forever

gifts cannot be grasped
and held,
they are freely given
must be freely received
accept with thanks the gift
let the gift do it’s work
the hawks are sharing
say thank you …
thank you

my cameral lays still 
on the table
and they come again
I reach for it
they dip quickly
hiding from this trap
my hands pull back
they stay this time
my heart breathes thanks

Friday, May 25, 2012

a moment in Malka’s memory

        chicken pox
        lunch pails
      tiny blue table
            eyes smile

        colours dance
        under feet
      tiny blue chairs
            they rest

         Mother’s love
         “Be Good”
      two tiny boys
             ears listen

        Malka’s laugh
        seeing them
      two small hearts
             life hears

        tiny boys two
        Grown Men
      Mother and Malka
             they love

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Blue is Blue
what are you going to do?

It is nothing to you
except what you make it do 

Friday Morning Pebbling

ink flows
where each mind goes
eyes shine
reading idea's line
round the table
young and able

Sunday, February 5, 2012

hands together the rhythm

skin and string stretched played
faces weave their hearts passion
one moment in time

Saturday, February 4, 2012


er er er
as the sand slipped
away with the ebb
of the ocean
i am shorter
now no
sunk down
move inland
ere feet are
out of sight

j j jones
Creative Commons Licence
Pebbling by Jane Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.